Body Contouring

Premier Wellness Clinics
Family Medicine & Aesthetic Services located in Little Elm, TX
Are stubborn areas of fat standing in the way of your body goals? Get rid of them by talking to Khalida Yasmin, MD, and the team about WarmSculpting™ with SculpSure®. With this noninvasive, comfortable, and convenient treatment, they target unwanted fat cells and melts them away. This body-contouring treatment is available from the comfort of the Premier Wellness Clinics office in Little Elm and Frisco, Texas. If you’re interested in learning more about WarmSculpting with SculpSure, call the office or make your appointment online today.
Body Contouring Q & A
What is body contouring?
Premier Wellness Clinics offer body contouring because they know how frustrating stubborn fat can be.
If you have areas where the fat just won’t budge — even with diet and exercise — don’t hesitate to talk to them about WarmSculpting with SculpSure, an FDA-approved body-contouring treatment designed to target stubborn fat cells and melt them away.
With this noninvasive, no-downtime treatment, the providers can address fat cells on your:
- Abdomen
- Lower back
- Thighs
- Double chin
If you haven’t reached your body goals because you have excess fat that you can’t get rid of, WarmSculpting with SculpSure could be right for you.
How does body contouring work?
When you choose WarmSculpting with SculpSure, you get a comfortable, convenient way to target unwanted fat cells.
During your treatment, you relax as your provider applies the SculpSure device to the area you want to treat. Once activated, the SculpSure device sends laser energy safely through your skin into your fat cells.
The fat cells absorb the laser energy, raising their temperature. As they get heated, they get structurally damaged. During this process, you may feel a gentle warming or tingling sensation.
Your body registers the resulting damage in the cells and sets to work removing them. Over the coming weeks, your lymphatic system eliminates the treated cells, leaving you with fewer fat cells in the treated area.
Most people start to see the results from WarmSculpting treatment within six weeks, with full results within 12 weeks.
Generally, each body-contouring treatment takes about 25 minutes. Plus, there’s no downtime with WarmSculpting with SculpSure. You can continue on with your day immediately after your treatment at Premier Wellness Clinics.
How many body-contouring treatments will I need?
On average, WarmSculpting treatments deliver a 24% reduction in fat cells in the treated area. It has an over 90% patient satisfaction rate. Some patients achieve their desired results with one treatment, while others choose a series of treatments for more dramatic results.
Talk with your provider about your body goals and they can personalize a WarmSculpting with SculpSure treatment plan for you.
To find out if WarmSculpting treatment is the right way to get rid of your stubborn fat, call Premier Wellness Clinics or make your appointment online today.