Annual Wellness Visit

Premier Wellness Clinics
Family Medicine & Aesthetic Services located in Little Elm, TX
Annual wellness visits are integral to staying healthy and detecting any health issues as early as possible. At Premier Wellness Clinics, Khalida Yasmin, MD, and the team are dedicated to providing quality preventive care. Annual wellness visits are the perfect time to check in on your health, undergo screenings for common diseases, and get up-to-date on any vaccinations. Call the office in Little Elm and Frisco, Texas, or book online to schedule your annual wellness visit today.
Annual Wellness Visit Q & A
What should I expect at an annual wellness visit?
During your annual visit, the providers at Premier Wellness Clinics assess your current health and immunization status and create a wellness plan for your future health. First, you’ll step on the scale for your height, weight, and body mass index (BMI).
They might also examine your abdomen and other parts of your body and evaluate the location, consistency, size, texture, and tenderness of your organs.
They’ll use a stethoscope to listen to specific body parts, such as your lungs and intestines, as well as your heart’s rhythm to assess your heart function.
Additionally, you may be sent for blood work to evaluate your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, inflammatory markers, and other key factors that can help paint a clear picture of your health. It’s in the clinic, making it easy for you to access.
The team asks you questions relating to your medical history, such as past injuries, surgeries, or hospitalizations, and you should also discuss any medications, vitamins, or supplements you’re currently taking.
It’s essential that you be transparent in this process, as the more information you provide the team at Premier Wellness Clinics during your exam, the better care they’ll be able to provide. At the end of the visit, you have the opportunity to ask any health-related questions.
What specific conditions should I be screened for?
The older you get, the more vital it is for you to undergo screening for chronic conditions. Some of the most common conditions include:
- Depression
- Low or high blood pressure
- Vision or hearing impairments
- Fall risk
- Being overweight or obese
- Tobacco or alcohol abuse
- High cholesterol
The providers will let you know which diagnostic screenings you should get at which age and provide you with referrals for certain screenings that are not performed in-office.
How should I prepare for my annual wellness visit?
To make the most out of your annual exam at Premier Wellness Clinics, you should prepare the following:
- Any relevant recent test results
- Medical and surgical history
- Any questions you have about your health
- A list of any symptoms or pain you’re experiencing
- Names and contact information of other doctors you’ve recently visited
In addition, you should put together a list of current medications you're taking, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
Don’t wait to schedule your annual wellness visit. Call Premier Wellness Clinics or use the convenient online booking for an appointment today.